Karen McGowan
Karen McGowan is a registered ANP in Gynaecology at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin and runs the outpatient hysteroscopy clinic in St Joseph’s hospital.
She trained at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin and completed her BSc in nursing at DCU. She later undertook a postgraduate diploma in emergency nursing and a master’s degree at the RCSI. She also holds certificates in drug prescribing and ionising radiation, as well as a certificate in advanced assessment from UCD. More recently she has completed a postgraduate diploma in gynaecology in DCU. Karen has also attained a fellowship by examination from the RCSI and is a registered member of the British Menopause Society. Karen is the President of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation and is very passionate about women’s health, particularly in the workplace.
Karen launched the 1st Ladies Lounge event in Beaumont Hospital which was designed to create a safe space to discuss women’s health issues. It was well attended with guest speakers discussing menopause and HRT. She has had a further event in March 2024 in the Richmond Events Centre.
Karen has attained a scholarship from the RCSI to publish her research findings on implementing a nurse-led post-menopausal bleeding clinic. This service won a healthcare award in 2023 and further plans are in progress to expand further services with Beaumont Hospital.